The company run by young brothers, Nicholas and Albert, with a great wealth of studies in the catering industry with years' experience in local prestige, try, with passion, to combine good food with the simplicity of nature that surroundings.
Vi faremo sentire parte della nostra famiglia nel pieno rispetto delle norme anti covid-19, mascherine e gel igienizzanti all’interno, ma fuori si può respirare l’aria genuina della campagna..
A table is nicely captured by the elegant decor of the dining room, from appetizers to breads made strictly in the home, in a first, two seconds to ... with the inevitable and delicious cut of beef, coffee, and digestive done Mrs. Renata, proud owner of the farm.
In the meantime, your children can play safely in the green soccer field, swings and other games for them.
Nelle vicinanze dell’agriturismo Cà Nea si trova un laghetto dove si pratica il wake-board, campi da tennis, campi da paddle, piscine, percorso ciclo-pedonale “Ostiglia”, percorso ciclopedonale “sul sentiero degli Ezzelini” sull’argine del torrente “Muson dei sassi”e molto altro ancora…